Free Self-Publishing Advice from Amazon KDP

KDP Jumpstart Amazon

There are lots of books on Amazon about how to publish your ebooks and paperbacks on Amazon KDP – but did you know that Amazon has their own extensive resources available for free to help you get published?

Free Training from KDP

Here’s the links to the KDP Jumpstart series. If you’re new to Kindle Direct Publishing, or are looking for a simple, step-by-step publishing guide, they’ve created this series to help take your from finished manuscript to published book.

Most KDP Jumpstart topics include the following sections: 

SectionWhat’s in it
What this topic coversWhat you’ll be able to do after reading the topic
What you’ll needInformation to gather before going to KDP to enter it
Your progressProgress bar that charts which milestones you’ve completed and which you have left
How to…Videos and articles explaining what you’ll need to do to publish on KDP and why it’s important
ActivityActivities for you to research best practices for preparing, publishing, and promoting your book
Insider tipIndustry advice that introduces you to other Amazon resources that can help you reach your publishing goals
What to do nextNext steps at the end of each lesson, including a downloadable, printable companion guide for entering your information into KDP

KDP Jumpstart Topics

KDP Jumpstart
KDP Jumpstart
StepPhase 1: Getting started
1Set up your account (U.S. publishers)
2Set up your account (non-U.S. publishers)
Step Phase 2: Book details
3Write your book description
4Help readers find your book
5Build your Amazon detail page
Step Phase 3: Manuscript & cover
6Introduction to book design
7Format your eBook manuscript
8Format your paperback manuscript
9Design your cover
10Upload your book
StepPhase 4: Rights & pricing
11eBook rights & pricing
12Paperback rights & pricing

So if you’re planning on publishing a book on Amazon’s KDP platform, take a look at their detailed instructions. Good luck with becoming an author, and if you have any questions, just leave them in the comments below and I’ll answer them for you.

Free #selfpublishing advice from #AmazonKDP. Don't wallow around in confusion, this resource from Amazon will help you become a published author on their KDP platform. Click To Tweet

Author: Jay Artale

Focused on helping travel bloggers and writers achieve their self-publishing goals. Owner of Birds of a Feather Press. Travel Writer. Nonfiction Author. Project Manager Specialising in Content Marketing and Social Media Strategy.

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