7 easy steps for making the most of Amazon Kindle

7 easy steps for making the most of Amazon Kindle

Amazon Checklist for KDP published authors

Have you already published your books on Amazon? Then here’s a list of 7 easy steps for making the most of your presence on Kindle.

  1. Download Kindle Create to format your eBooks and our Print Publishing Guidelines to assist with formatting your paperbacks during the year.
  2. Create a corresponding paperback version for each of your digital books on KDP.
  3. Enroll your titles in KDP Select to reach more readers and earn more money. Get access to your share of the KDP Global Fund which was $19.8 million in November 2017.
  4. Take 10 minutes to improve your Kindle eBook by adding X-ray.
  5. Update your profile on Author Central and Goodreads after reviewing these tips on how to Leverage your Author Central and Goodreads profiles.
  6. Create a 2018 marketing plan after reviewing 10 ways to market your book and then read Keys to monitoring your success so you can track your progress during the year.
  7. Review this list of programs to promote your books, such as Amazon Marketing Services and Kindle Countdown Deals, and include these programs in your marketing plan for 2018.

Indie Publishing Newsletter

(FYI: This list was published by Amazon in their January Indie Publishing Newsletter.)

Additional Amazon Kindle Resources:

7 easy steps for making the most of Amazon Kindle. Tips for self published #authors. #selfpub @AmazonKDP Click To Tweet

Author: Jay Artale

Focused on helping travel bloggers and writers achieve their self-publishing goals. Owner of Birds of a Feather Press. Travel Writer. Nonfiction Author. Project Manager Specialising in Content Marketing and Social Media Strategy.

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